LIFE HELP #3: 10 Apps That Help Me In Ministry

by Frank Powell

In today’s tech driven world, the task of staying on top of your tech game can seem daunting. Technology and media is a huge part of our culture today, and media can be a useful tool if we approach it properly. With that being said, I thought I would fill you in on 10 apps that have been helpful and beneficial to me.

(apps with one (*) beside them I only use on the iPad, while apps with two (**) I only use on the iPhone)

10. Calendar 5 – Formerly Calendar+, Calendar 5 is the app I used instead of the default Apple calendar. This app is more functional, and includes a language input option. It syncs with iCalendar, Reminders, and Google calendar. Calendar 5 also features an integrated task manager and syncs across the iPhone and iPad.

9. Penultimate* – Penultimate is the best writing app I have used. I also purchased the Evernote stylus several months ago. If you are serious about hand writing on your iPad, I recommend it.

8. Kindle – I am slowly weaning myself off paperback books (although I will admit I still enjoy the paperback books). The Kindle app is making the transition less painful. This app allows me to quickly highlight and make notes, and with a few quick clicks I can store all of my highlighted material in Evernote.

7. Buffer** – Buffer is great as a central hub for getting a post to several different social media outlets. Buffer also schedules posts for you, allowing you to get information out when social media traffic is at its peak.

6. Spotify – Spotify is my default music listening app. The app is free, but I pay for the premium version, which it allows me to stream music offline. Unlike iTunes, I don’t have to buy individual songs with Spotify. Spotify gives me access to their entire library.

5. Sleep Cycle** – The Sleep Cycle app is my alarm clock. Basically, I set my alarm for a 30 minute window (you can make the window smaller, but Sleep Cycle recommends 30 minutes), and I place my phone under the pillow. Sleep Cycle detects my movement while I am sleeping and signals the alarm when I am sleeping the lightest.

4. Zite – I use this app everyday to keep up with current events and follow bloggers. Zite screens articles based on my preferences and previously read articles.

3. Molto – Molto is my email app. I love it because it is sleek and customizes my mail according to different categories (social media, personal, etc.). There are other good e-mail alternatives to the default Apple e-mail app (Mailbox, myMail, and Evomail+), but I prefer Molto because of its functionality and modern feel.

2. Glo Bible – Glo Bible is a great Bible app (the premium version allows for access to notes and commentary). It is sleek and opens up a world of options to supplement the text you are reading, such as media and articles.

1. Evernote – No surprise here. I use Evernote for everything. It syncs across all platforms (iPhone, iPad, and Macbook). It is my digital filing cabinet. I even use it as my default to do list app.

Honorable Mention:



Day One Journal



The Bible App

Genius Scan



So these are some of the apps that have helped me. I would love to hear from some of you. Which apps have been beneficial to you?


I love you all. To God be the glory forever. Amen!

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